Watch Intro Video

Filter Course Video

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Watch Intro Video

Espresso Course

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Course curriculum

Filter Course

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Welcome to Coffee

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Chapter 2 Drinks and Bag Descriptions

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

    • Supporting Roaster Discounts!

    • Bottles Drink Recipes!

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • Brew Methods

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Chapter 4

    • Brewing Equipment

    • Jellyfish's Top Equipment Recommendations

  • 5

    Chapter 5

    • French Press

  • 6

    Chapter 6

    • Pour Over Styles and Trouble Shooting.

    • Quiz

    • The Pour Over Checklist

  • 7

    Chapter 7

    • 2016 Canadian Aeropress Championships

    • Aeropress

  • 8

    Chapter 8

    • How To Taste Coffee

  • 9

    Chapter 9

    • Cupping

  • 10

    Chapter 10

    • Bonus: Chemex!

  • 11

    Chapter 11

    • Varietals/Cultivars

    • Quiz

  • 12

    Chapter 12

    • Chapter 12 Learn From the Pros!

    • Monogram - Ben Put

    • Canadian Coffee Adventures - Joshua Jones

    • Show & Tell - Elly Cortez (Part 1/2)

    • Show & Tell - Elly Cortez (Part 2/2)

    • Sub Zero - Kirk Pearson

    • Harken - Stacey Lynn

    • MAME - Matt Winton

    • Sebastian Coffee (part 1/2)

    • Sebastian Coffee (Part 2/2)

    • Coffee by Joe - Joe

    • Rogue Wave - Ply

  • 13

    Chapter 13

    • Thank You, Goodbye and Good Luck!

    • Completion Survey


What others are saying about the course...

Actually solves problems!

Nick S, Seattle WA

So I have brewing coffee for years, but admittedly I am not a pro. I watched some youtube videos and learned a lot, but it only works if you know the right people there and if they have a video talking about your issues. The jellyfish coffee course goes over the issues I had, and a few more I haven't had but hear of. It was good to see the problem and learn the when and why they occurred, along with the how to fix them. In particularly, I enjoyed the interviews they included. Having that list of famous baristas, answering questions and thinking about the basics that me as a home brewer is used to (instead of all the intense barista talk I am used to seeing online). It was cool to hear from them especially because they all seemed really honest. I don't have an espresso machine, but once I do I will get your news course!

Really enjoyed this course!

Mike S, Brampton, ON

This was purchased for me earlier this year as a gift to stay focused on something during the lock downs. I finally got my old French press out and now I'm enjoying exploring my local cafes more. I actually know what the menu means now, and bought my first pour over! I actually got one of the tasting notes right, feels good to be part of the coffee club =) Thanks Jellyfish!

The Blue Fog, OMG!

Megan D, Calgary AB

I bought this course for myself during the summer quarantine period. What a tough time for everyone. I follow a lot of small businesses on instagram and noticed a few friends sharing Jellyfish coffee course being launched. I was already supporting lots of local roasters and buying their coffee, using their recipe suggestions, so I didn't think I needed this course. BUT I WAS WRONG I saw they had a popup near my work downtown and thought I would go see what they are all about before I paid any big bucks online. First let me say, that was the busiest cafe I've seen in years in this city. Secondly, the coffee was delicious, I had the Volcan Azul pour over fromDavid Kim Roaster. I ordered this blue fog drink, and its so so good. Like, I didn't really expect it to be so nice, I went back the next day to get another one! Anyways, I bought this course, (and then the espresso course was created and I got it for free?! talk about a nice perk. Thank you!) I learned a lot, was nice to see some different perspectives about coffee and then the kicker.. I realized I could have gotten discounts to 2 of the roasters I was buying from the whole summer, including to David Kim. But that's not all! they gave the recipe to the Blue Fog drink to all of the students here! I ordered the right ingredients and now I'm at home supporting more great businesses and looking forward to the next pop up asap! Keep it up !!

Detailed and personal instructions.

Theodore B, Calgary AB

It was always something I noticed in taking some courses in the past at cafes, that the lessons were either rushed and I was falling behind, or most of what was being taught I already knew and felt like I was wasting my time. This course lets you know what is introductory lessons, and what is hands on work. I honestly skipped the first two chapters but ended up going back because I really enjoyed his explanations and actually learned a few interesting things that he called "basic coffee history". Who knew goats, monks, and coffee were all related? I highly recommend if you are like me, brewing coffee every day at home, that you can learn a thing or two from their course here.


  • What is included in this course?

    You will receive immediate access to all lessons and videos forever. We cover all of the most popular filter coffee methods or espresso (depending on your purchase) for home brewers. Plus you will get interviews from some of the best coffee professionals in the world to give you some tips and keep you on your toes (Interviews for Filter Course Only)

  • What makes this course better than any others?

    Yes, there are many courses out there... Some of them are good! But many of them- while they look the part, are actually not teaching the correct information you need to make better coffee. We have researched many online coffee courses and have seen them teach endless amounts of out dated science, and most are filled with biased opinion- not allowing you to learn the what and why behind the lessons. In this course, we are teaching the most up to date, easy to follow, and relevant information for todays coffee drinker!

  • Is the course worth the price?

    Short answer: Over 5 hours of professional guidance, with quizzes/recipes and more to solidify your learning, with bonus videos and offers that you wont find with any other courses. All on a lovely platform that is easy to track your progress, ask questions, and actually get better with an interesting skill.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long Answer: While many courses are in the price range of $5-20 on mass websites, and sure they have some good information. But we have paid for courses online, in person (all over the world) and have found the average price for a barista to teach you is $150/hour. Usually you are only allowed to work on one topic per class, and most of the time (THAT YOU ARE PAYING FOR) is spent on you practicing what you learned in the first 20 minutes. We want you to pay for learning, and spend your own free time on practicing and enjoying your coffee with your friends and loved ones.

  • Still want something free?

    We can't blame you. its scary making purchases online. That's why we have our top 5 FREE tips for you! All you need to do is add your email to our list (HINT: scroll down to the bottom of this page!) and once you do, we will share with you the same quality of lessons, in a micro bite size e-mail form!

  • If I need to, what is the refund policy?

    We doubt you will need to as it pays for itself with the money you will save over time, but if you do sadly find you need to refund. We will offer it within 30 days of your purchase; All we ask is that you have finished the course and can prove your work through the chapters.

Want some free lessons?

It's always smart move to try before you buy! Add your email to the mailing list to get my top 5 free tips for brewing coffee at home. .............................................................................. Did I mention it's FREE?!

Supporting Companies

Here are a few friends who have supported us, and our students with some great bonus perks so far...